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Category Archives: Body Alive!

To Market

My latest visit to Free Earth Farm was in the thick of harvest time. I’d leave the garden with a fistful of basil and a skirt heavy with heirloom tomatoes every few days. (Insalata caprese, anyone?) Not to mention the pole beans! Those suckers grow relentless. In Your Face! No large projects like the garlic […]

Garlic Breadth

Whilst visiting the farm life in West Virginia, I helped beau farmer harvest over 1000 bulbs of garlic.  The first small batch (per one seasoned garlic raiser’s recommendation) we readied by washing, cutting off the stem and root hairs, and drying on racks in the sun.  The rest we nestled in the barn, suspended by their […]

Wiggle It

In an attempt to fill the farmer void of my away beau and also as an alternative to maintaining a compost heap (argh, all that blasted stirring – apparently I’m a pirate composter) I turned to vermicomposting: utilizing worms to convert my kitchen scraps into nutrient plentiful soil. I purchased a four tiered bin and […]

Dirty Mail

I received a package the other day from beau farmer. On first reading, I thought the jar contained Magic West Virginia Man Dirt, Best Variety. But, just as delightful, it’s actually Magic West Virginia Mtn. Dirt, Beet Variety. I promptly sprinkled its contents into my tiny garden bed and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that a beet-stalk […]

Breaking Ground

This spring marks my first attempt as a solo gardener while farmer T is away tendin’ to hogs and clearin’ brush to make way for fences in West Virginia. I’m keeping it small and manageable – the plot is about as big as I am tall. Here’s a peek at the beginnings…  

The New Bruce…

…brought to you by one harried month’s worth of sweat equity.  It was a stressful but oh so satisfying home rehab adventure – mostly D.I.Y. with big help/advice/support from one contractor friend and a few brave non-contractor buddies. Hands on home ownership was deeply felt once we left the land of “all we need to […]

Garden of the Mods

Ah, can’t wait to have a full salad bar in the backyard again. Praise to the gardener Tony!

Nitrogen & Carbon

I’m tending two gardens (& two dogs!) solo while the boy is on tour with the band. With the daily rainstorms of late we’re seeing a lot of green out here and I can’t keep up with the yield! So, I’m pushing leafy greens on my loved ones…and learning to compost the scraps courtesy of […]