Special delivery from Team Firefox dance captain: new costume flair in a poop bag. To the stage!
Category Archives: Will Drink the Young Wine
Dirty Mail
I received a package the other day from beau farmer. On first reading, I thought the jar contained Magic West Virginia Man Dirt, Best Variety. But, just as delightful, it’s actually Magic West Virginia Mtn. Dirt, Beet Variety. I promptly sprinkled its contents into my tiny garden bed and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that a beet-stalk […]
Sampson passed away in February. Today was his birthday. He is greatly missed. R.I.P. dear old friend. May 28, 1998 – February 8, 2011 Music by The Liars & Peter Bjorn & John
As Long As I’ve Got My Plastic Joseph
In her superstitiously Catholic fashion, my mom asked if she could give me something to protect our new home. I was hoping for a bamboo plant, her traditional “luck” gift beginning with my first move post college to Chicago. In years past, with each new row home and carriage house I’ve rented, my mother would […]
Underground Railroad Kickball League
Deya (Team Doppelgänger super star and sister to beau farmer T) has pinned the badge of “Kickball Commish of the Appalachians” on her striped thigh-high stockings and orgainzed a weekly pick up league to serve the young at play of Summers County, West Virginia. The “kickball field” is near the old “basketball court” of an […]
Mountain Marriage
I’ve been playing with my digital (Harinezumi) toy camera quite a bit, especially on trips involving carry-on baggage. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about the quality of this tiny tot’s images (it makes some complexions in a certain light appear hot pink!) but it’s refreshingly portable and easy to slip by the camera […]
Breaking Ground
This spring marks my first attempt as a solo gardener while farmer T is away tendin’ to hogs and clearin’ brush to make way for fences in West Virginia. I’m keeping it small and manageable – the plot is about as big as I am tall. Here’s a peek at the beginnings…
Better Half
In lieu of penis straws and stripper poles, our ever inseparable betrothed friends opted for a joint bachelor-bachelorette party at a karaoke bar. This seemed like a great conceptual gift giving opportunity so my crafty side set to work. I found an Alfred Hitchcock quote – “In a good marriage each is the others better […]
Two Treasure
Clatter! Snap. was recently included in two fabulous treasuries on etsy. Vintage item #1 – a peach nightgown included in über cute felt crafter Bare Foot Bananas!‘s inspirational Painter’s Easel collection. Vintage item #2 – a yellow-gold umbrella/parasol grouped in jewelry maker (who imprints her lovelies with your choice of positive emotions free of charge) High Priestess […]
The New Bruce…
…brought to you by one harried month’s worth of sweat equity. Â It was a stressful but oh so satisfying home rehab adventure – mostly D.I.Y. with big help/advice/support from one contractor friend and a few brave non-contractor buddies. Hands on home ownership was deeply felt once we left the land of “all we need to […]