Last night we watched the film many a documentary watching acquaintance has asked if Tony has seen when they hear he’s from West Virginia – The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. Â With all its hillbilly twisted nonsense, I can see why some are wary of backcountry culture and don’t accept Tony’s many invitations […]
Category Archives: Will Drink the Young Wine
Sweet Skulls
The most haunted my Halloween got this season was a sugar skull decorating party hosted by Denver Craft Ninjas, a group I recently tripped over that coordinates get togethers for makings sake.  Not so scary an affair but definitely a nice family friendly time to spend with my baby incubating and baby raising lady friends.  No […]
Autumn in New York
Three reasons to plan a trip to NYC this Fall: #1 Punchdrunk‘s Sleep No More (’til Nov. 12th) – Shakespeare’s Macbeth staged on six floors of the McKittrick Hotel in Chelsea. Pop up, immersive theatre – where patrons supplied with masks explore intricately decorated rooms as the characters of the play move from each setting. I read […]
To Market
My latest visit to Free Earth Farm was in the thick of harvest time. I’d leave the garden with a fistful of basil and a skirt heavy with heirloom tomatoes every few days. (Insalata caprese, anyone?) Not to mention the pole beans! Those suckers grow relentless. In Your Face! No large projects like the garlic […]
Shave and a Haircut…
I was sorting through the rad-iculous accumulation of images on my computer and came across a few “artsy” snaps of Tony getting a very clean 1950s style haircut (a colossal shift from his asymmetrical/rat tail choppings of usual). We were in New York briefly this past May for two dear friends’ destination wedding (a unique […]
Vacation Slides
A series of snapshots to summarize my recent holiday (conjugal visit) in West Virginia. There are a lot of “firsts” recorded in these photos (mind you, not the conjugal reference) and soon I’ll have videos to share.
Wiggle It
In an attempt to fill the farmer void of my away beau and also as an alternative to maintaining a compost heap (argh, all that blasted stirring – apparently I’m a pirate composter) I turned to vermicomposting: utilizing worms to convert my kitchen scraps into nutrient plentiful soil. I purchased a four tiered bin and […]
Dog Named Delaware
After years with Sampson, I’m convinced that Doberman Pinschers are the ideal four legged companion – aggressive only in looks and loyal to neurosis (kinda like me). So, when Tony felt it was time to rear a new best friend he went on the hunt for a litter of Dobbies that was ready to roam. […]