Tonight we had a “fun with logos” Photoshop session. If (or maybe when) we start branding our milk and cheese we’ve decided on labeling as such… Quick, to the sticker making machine (ahem, printer).
Category Archives: Will Drink the Young Wine
Our First Born
Our goats Geraldine and Josephine freshened within two days of each other. Geraldine was first; giving birth to a buckling followed by Josephine with a doeling. The baby girl arrived and left the same day – to a farm in Colorado Springs to comfort a doe who had lost her baby (altruistic from the start). […]
Hen Habitat
The backyard coop is complete! Here it is in the final getting together phases: Tony used Colorado Pine Beetle-Kill wood for the siding and protected it with used motor oil taken from my brother in law’s work. I actually put in a […]
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
As a disclaimer, this project may not be the best to recreate as it involves a few time consuming tasks that could be dealt with better by a more crafty pair of hands, but it does make use of those old throw pillows that plague thrift stores. Fueled by annoyance of the hefty price tag […]
Rice n’ Roll
We’ve had a bag of sushi rice in our cupboard for over a year (it’s even survived a move…or two) patiently waiting to be rolled in seaweed. The bag must have been an impulsive and not fully thought out purchase – as we didn’t immediately run home and attempt to make our own yummy sushi. […]
Bock! Bock! Who’s There?
The chicken coop is near completion and I cannot wait ’til the chickens come home to roost. Wait, I think that means, well, nevermind… Still, it’ll be nice to stop paying $6 for local farm fresh eggs, walk outside and grab a few backyard farm fresh eggs for the morning scrambler. Tony and his dad […]
The Front Yard
We live in the city proper, but being as we are situated at the edge of a park on a dead end street – this is essentially our front yard. So, on the most recent big snow day we decided to finally take advantage of […]
Some Like it Chaud!
Geraldine and Josephine have arrived on the Free Earth Farm urban edition scene. It took a bit of coaxing (and a higher wire fence) to get them to remain in their new living quarters – see previous post for the making of that structure – but now they seem right at home. Tony found this […]
Shed No More
Tony is hard at work this winter transforming our backyard into the urban version of his West Virginia farm dreams. The central fixture of the yard used to be a beat up metal shed with no doors. It housed some scrap wood, shovels in several stages of disrepair, and our worm compost. It was also […]
Baby Pictures
This past weekend I helped host a close friend’s baby shower. I wanted to contribute something edgier than “guess the type of chocolate by licking this diaper” game – which I had never even heard of until we had our first planning committee meet. The baby shower was co-ed and held at a local bar, […]