My sister and I made a pact this year to shake it up and prepare Filipino treats for a friend’s annual holiday cookie exchange instead of adding to the usual fare of macaroons & ginger snaps. She was to make budbud (sweetened rice wrapped in banana leaves) and I attempted a street food favorite called […]
Category Archives: Will Drink the Young Wine
Cool Beer
I have a major crush on Professor BlastOff – an Earwolf podcast of three comedian friends in a “hatch” discussing topics of science/philosophy/metaphysics in a collaborative improv/stand-up way. Tig, David, and Kyle create the best combination of curiosity, levity, and goof. They sometimes invite experts on the show to inject some “real” knowledge and other […]
Hitting a Wall
The first thing I did when we were near closing on our house was search for wallpaper. I’ve always wanted to throw a pattern on the wall but thought the effort was too much for a rental – not to mention having to remove it upon vacating. On my search, I initially went the vintage […]
Dressing Them Up
We finally had new energy efficient windows installed throughout our little cottage home. And though I miss the vintage appeal of the wood double hung and pull out windows in some parts of the house, the old windows in the kitchen were the worst – single paned and haphazardly stained with exterior green paint. I […]
All Aboard
Every vacation needs a catchphrase or signature hand choreography for photo ops and hell ya moments. While sitting on the train on the first leg of our 4 city Amtrak excursion we decided on the perhaps unoriginal yet stylistically simple pumping of one fist forward and proclaiming “Holiday.” Our plan was to travel from West […]
King of Carrot Flowers
We harvested what was left of the root veggies (beets, turnips, carrots) and put 1/3 of the garden to bed before leaving on our big vacation. We’re hoping by storing them (unwashed with tops clipped) in the basement mini-fridge they’ll last us through the winter. Most of the carrots crowded because we didn’t thin them. […]
Punching the Bag
Lately we’ve been contemplating giving up the goats… It’s not an easy decision. We’ve weighed both our financial and effort pros + cons but are still unsure how to weigh the emotional/uniqueness of experience the ladies offer and if that should trump all rationale. Major con is that Tony milks them twice a day and […]
Little Miss Muffet
This month we’re participating in Denver’s HaHo Market, a handmade and homemade local market showcasing food and craft grown and produced in Denver homes and backyards. We’ll be at Green Spaces offering our goat cheese and garden veggies. We’ve been making chevre for months now but Tony also recently started two batches of brie and […]
Where There’s Smoke
Last summer Tony raised hogs and was able to bring back a large store of meat. Many pot roasts later he finally got around to making the most popular pork product of all – bacon. I’m not much of a bacon fan (no offense to those who wrap candy bars with it) but I was […]
We recently attended a Japanese Tea Ceremony demonstration at the Denver Botanic Gardens. The experience stood so far apart from our normal Sunday mornings that it created enough mental space to take stock and maybe work in a lasting impression. One concept that the ceremony brought to light was Japanese tea master Rikyu’s “ichi-go ichi-e” […]