Wait, those dried ears of corn hanging from the rafter all winter aren’t just for decoration? Let’s see what we can make… We made corn tortillas out of homemade Masa using bloody butcher corn we grew & dried! Local eats! Watch our how-to/hey-look video by Mary Grace starring Tony Terrafranca.
Category Archives: Will Drink the Young Wine
Hoop, High, Green
Our recent project on the farm is assembling a green house (aka High Tunnel, aka Hoop House) to lengthen our growing season and diversify our garden. The first task was finding the flattest spot on our very steep land to fit a 48′ structure, which made the ideal spot a hike up the mountain from our […]
Celebrate Lucille II
Today will forever go down in history as Lucille II day – champion of 4/27. The day Lucille II took an unlikely leap out of a trailer going 60 mph down I-64…and survived…twofold. The full story is a shocking, traumatic, and heroic tale best told in person so I won’t go into details (just yet) […]
On Contour
Today we broke ground on the garden! With days of rain and little time in between for the ground to dry there’s been zero opportune time to till. The ground still wasn’t ideal but Tony fought with the tiller and dug one row. We planted carrots, beets, kale, radish, peas, kohl rabi; and broadcasted spinach […]
Ode to a Wood Stove
Starting a new lifestyle can be daunting any time of the year but jumping into it just as the harsh winter months approach is the kind of challenge that creates champs! We had to find ways to make life in a 400 square ft. tiny loft-style home on a secluded mountain less taxing on our […]
The Original Fairy Garden
Tony found the original fairy garden on our walk today! Behold a terrarium made by nature herself out of a discarded RC Cola bottle and the forest floor. In yo’ face, DIY’ers. Click for more pics.
Dr. Seuss House Groundbreaking
Building a house isn’t enough for us! We have a list of construction jobs in the works. One being a bunkhouse for visitors to our farm. We refer to it as the “Dr. Seuss house” because of its whimsical offbeat design (inspired by this garden shed). We’re building this baby house using mainly reclaimed wood […]
House Skirt
We’ve finished construction on the house, moved our belongings in and started the next big project of dressing the outside up (which is actually a set of several big projects). To start, we are building an EPIC-MASSIVE-WHOA,THAT’SALOTOFLOUNGING deck with proportions bigger than the square footage of the house! It wraps around 3 sides and there […]
Batch 129
Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey enlists crews of volunteers to bottle each batch of whiskey at their distillery in Denver. The call goes out about once every 3 weeks to the next 40 people on the Bottling Crew Lottery list. The wait is so long it took 2 years to get down to me. Enough lapsed time […]
Sugar Books – The Project
Back in April I received a little bit of sweetness in the mail… Ya see, some time ago I signed up for Leafcutter Designs‘ “testing group” – Playtesters – developed to enlist feedback on new prototypes that the talented maker Lea Redmond dreams up. This test was more of a fun challenge to cleverly utilize […]